Well the day is finally here, Opening Day, January 5th, 2015. Proverbs 16:9 says the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. He has surely blessed us by providing such great help and guidance as we have started this venture. We would like to take a moment and say thanks to following people.

First both Sue Weeden and Alice Fankhauser who both endure their husbands’ time away and mental exhaustion in the planning process. John Furlow in Fayetteville and the doctors of Atlas Med in Wichita we appreciated your enthusiasm and transparency in helping us plan. Thanks to Larry and Martha at Arkansas Small business and Technology for classes and help with our business plan. We were help tremendously by Simmons First bank, where Greg, Sarah and Fre help two naive doctors hold open forum meetings and arrange for our banking needs. A key person for the past 6 months has been Tom Hapgood, who designed our logo, stationery, website and videos. Thanks to Amy Mills for helping us located a great spot to rent and enduring our novice questions and complaints. We also want to thank Steve Butler and his staff including Katie for their help with legally making our new entities. We appreciate the great help we received from the Village on the Creek staff of Leslie, Gabe and Christia for treating us fairly and going above and beyond our expectations on the renovations. Thanks to Sue and Terry for a well decorated office that would have looked a lot different if left to two tasteless doctors had been on their own. We thank Randy Johnson who stepped in to help with phones, painting, utilities and much needed encouraging words. We are thankful for the accounting advice and QuickBooks help we are receiving from Mary Margaret Hall. And thanks to the last hour help of Herb and Judy to get our place clean and shiny to open.

Joel and Dan want to thank Donna Olson, our new nurse, for taking this new adventure with us. She has been a great help and has the organizational gene we so lack. Lastly we want to thank the most important people and that is our patients that have placed their confidence in us to provide Primary care in a new way. We are humbled and grateful for your support.

Sincerely Dan and Joel